

Ready to serve you where you are.

Call 616.369.6401

Fast, friendly, personal service.

Find the medications you need at a price you can afford. Our experienced Pharmacists are ready to help answer any questions and make recommendations on the usage of your current medications or any over-the-counter solutions.

Talk with a live person on location during business hours, call 616.369.6401. Or email us at

• Seasonal Influenza vaccine covered 100% by most insurances.

• TB Tests administration and reading

• Medication Therapy Management to help customers use their medications in the most effective way.

• Free delivery/mail on allowed shippable items in the State of Michigan with pre-paid copay or at cost.

• Low cost over-the-counter medications.

• We will special order your item at the best price we can offer.

• No insurance, no problem! We have great prices on generic medications and a 30-day list for $5.99 and a 90-day list for $12.99


• Easy 1-2-3 prescription transfer from another pharmacy:

  1. Call and give us the patient name, date of birth and script number or name of medication.
  2. Include name of pharmacy where prescription currently is available.
  3. Add your phone number so we can call you when it is ready.
    Or send us an email with the same information as above and we will do the rest at

Haven Pharmacy
2680 Leonard St NE, Suite 5
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49525

Phone: 616.369.6401
Fax: 616.315.2646

Office hours:
Mon – Fri 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Closed for Lunch: 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.